Follow CerebralShrike as he delves into the hearts and minds of a couple on the edge of a culture clash. Despite their love for each other Quashonnan (Shannon) Perry and Santiago Ibarra find themselves often misunderstanding and misinterpreting their unique ethnic differences.
As they approach the alter to solidify themselves as one, they must first learn how to function as individuals and accept each others as proud representatives of their heritage.
Shannon and Santiago will each attend a counseling session separately and then together to see if they can create a bond using only the culture of love.
Session Two: Shannon Speaks:
I really don't know what I'm doing here today. No, you don't understand. I really don't know what I'm doing here today. I mean, no, Santi and I aren't perfect, but I don't think we need to see some shrink. He's always so damn dramatic about everything, one time my Mama asked him when he was going to mow the lawn and he was this close to calling NOMAR on her! He's so sensitive.
I guess I should talk more about my fiancee Santiago. What is there to say? He's wonderful. He's strong, and kind and loving and he is FINE! But some things he does really do annoy me. Is that what I'm here to talk about? Just tell me at what point I'm supposed to blame my mother. I know how you shrinks work. Psh...we should talk about his mother! Oh... okay. Well, she's rude. She screams a lot. And she had the nerve to try and teach me how to make her nasty tortillas. Yuck! I don't think so.
I just wish he'd calm down sometimes. For instance, he keeps making this tired joke whenever it's dinner time and I put some food in front of him. No, we did not run out of chicken. Stop saying that! It wasn't even funny the first time. Mind you, we've never actually had chicken at our place...unless you want to count the arroz con pollo he brought over from his mom's house. Argh! I told myself I wasn't going to talk entirely about that woman. You could really fill up some space in your notebook if I went into great detail about how much she bothers me.
Well she's just trifling. Of course she wanted her baby to marry some Chicano goddess from the block or whatever JLo has them thinking and instead he comes in with some -and this is a direct quote- "some ghetto hood rat that thinks she's cidity". Please, she don't know me! Santi tells me to just shake it off so that's what I'm going to do now.
Anywho, I'll tell you about the night we met. It was at a club. I really didn't feel like going anywhere, but my friend told me that we'd spend just a few minutes there and then we'd jet over to her boyfriend's place to watch a movie with his cousin that she was trying to set me up with. I didn't care one way or the other. The guy was kinda slimy and he had roving hands. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?
Well, I'm sitting at the bar and Santiago comes over and gives me this weird look like if there was something in his eye. I don't know, he was creeping me out a little. But I never turn down a free drink, especially when I can guzzle it and then show him pictures of me and my "fiancee" on my cam phone. The pictures were really of me and my gay friend, Tony, but it works every time. Santiago wasn't bad looking and he made me laugh with this really corny joke about coffee and an old married couple. We talk for a minute and I give him my number.
On our first date he gets all paranoid because a group of Black people sitting together kinda stares at us as we walk into the restaurant. I told him not to worry about it but he wanted to puff his chest out and whatnot. I should have known it was a sign of things to come. He acts the same way when our downstairs neighbor, Jamal, gets up in the morning and picks up his newspaper from the patio. I guess he feels threatened. But what is he gonna do, get buck in front of every Black man we come across? Lord! He'll get his ass kicked!
Anyhow, things kind of started going downhill after he proposed and we moved in together. I guess I've just gotten too used to being independent because the first thing I did when I moved into that testosterone filled man pad was give it a touch of me. I got rid of his janky Sugar Hill alarm clock and replaced it with a state of the art sound machine I got from Sharper Image. I took down his bulldog poker hanging and replaced it with some art from the local fair. I classed up the joint and all Santi can do is complain about not being able to find his stuff. Whatever, it needed to be thrown out.
I don't know doc, I love him so much, but I don't know how long this is going to last. What did Santi say to you? Oh, I know you can't tell me, but maybe if I knew how he felt? He always tries to tell me but I get defensive and we just end up arguing. It's like one giant culture clash between us.
Next time on Culture Clash: Tales From the Couch Santiago and Shannon will attend a session together and see where they agree and disagree.
Friday, August 3, 2007
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Culture Clash: Tales From the Couch - Shannon's Side |
Thursday, August 2, 2007
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Ask A ____ : Advice From Nate Hamilton, Someone Who Knows |
Ever needed the answer to a question, but couldn't find the right person to ask? Well now you'll finally have top notch advice from the experts. Emo kids, what color of eye shadow really brings out angst? Militant blacks, where's the best place to find marker that won't smudge during rainy
protests? Astrology buffs, what sign are you? Find all of that out and more in our bi-weekly advice column!
Next Up: Nate Hamilton
Do you have problems?
Well of course you do!
Well, Nate Hamilton is here to help. Now, full disclosure, Nate Hamilton is
a white guy (although pretty fly he has to admit), but don't let that
put you off. Haven't you always wanted an honest insight into the heads of white people? Sure you can ask your white friends (if you have any), but can you really trust them not to try to spare your feelings? Nate Hamilton is dedicated to helping you, black person, to get the full skinny on how decent, liberal, understanding white folk think about you.
Nate Hamilton can help you out with all the problems you face every second of the day as a black person. He beleives that black people, having to walk around 24/7 as a black person are often too close to their own problems to have a balanced, fully informed vista of their situation. As a white person, and therefore having no investment in any race issues, can provide that
perspective. Additionally Nate Hamilton can bring forth his full experience as a Sociology and Anthropology major, as well as his interest in black culture to bear on the situation. Nate Hamilton knows that black folks often don't or can't read, and therefore can't appreciate the full insight that reading authors like Maya Angelou and Terry Mcmillan, as well as listening to socially conscious rap can provide them as a black person.
Send Nate Hamilton your questions now without delay! Can you really function
as a black person without his insight for much longer?
Q: I am a black woman who has worked hard to get where I am. All through life I've had to do twice as much to get just half of the recognition. I am tired of playing second fiddle to so called managers that I am more qualified than! I want to ask for a raise and promotion, but they have very few people of color in management (there's one, the boss's illegitimate son whom they've told he's white) so I'm not sure how to ask. Any tips?
Sister Soljah,
Dewahn Jenkins
A. Dear DeWahn,
Calm down!
And I'm not saying that in a patronising way. 99% of the time, the business world is all about presenting yourself in the calmest, clearest, and least aggressive manner possible. You already have a difficult stereotype to work against in that respect being a black woman. You're not going to improve matters by declaiming in every other sentence about how great you are, how much harder you've had it, how you're sick and tired, and lobbing exclamation marks and "Sistah Soljah" out like Angry Black Lady confetti. People who talk like that in everyday conversation often allow that attitude to bleed into their professional deelings, and nobody wants to give a promotion to somebody who gives the impression of thinking they deserve it just because they're black.
Especially as it seems like your workplace has problems with black people. Only one black person in management? That's got to tell you something right there. This is a pity, but a sad reality for many black professional people in America. Tragically the scourge of insititutionalised racism has not yet been stamped out in Corporate America. Did you know that on average black people in America earn less than white people? Often for doing the same jobs? Sure things are getting better, but there are still some small pockets of resistance out there, and its your bad luck to have fallen into one of them.
So I had three courses of action to suggest to you Dehwan. The first is the most straightforward, the latter two are the more "controversial options" :
1) Leave the firm. You deserve better than to have work in such a racist
environment. If you're as qualified and intelligent as you say you are, you
should have no problem getting a job with a non-racist organisation.
2) So your boss has an illegitimate bastard son eh? It's a risky proposition, but
I'd suggest digging around for a little bit more dirt on him. My own personal
family experience tells me that if someone's sired one bastard, he's probably
sired at least a couple more somewhere with several different women. If this guy
can use his illegitimacy as an emotional blackmail tool (as bastards so often
do) against your boss so you can you. Find another scandal, and use it to make
your boss see the advantages of keeping you around with your mouth shut.
3) Change your name. I know this might sound insulting Dehwanna, but
it's definitely a step to consider. Most people when they're doing business want
to feel like they're dealing with someone mature, professional, literate and
competent. They want to deal with a Stacey, or an Elizabeth, or a Rebecca, not a
Dewhanna, or a Shaniqua, or a Destinique. You might have managed to transcend
your ghetto roots, but an unprofessional sounding name can be a curse on any
business career. For instance, my parents decided to call me Heron and I'm sure
you can see the problems that game me when applying for a career in credit
Hope I've been of service to you, and good luck with your raise/promotion!
Q. Why do white people want to say the N-Word so much? They don't really want to do they?
Curiously Offended
A. Dear Charley,
First of all I'd like to make it clear from the outset that I've never used the n word outside of academic discussion, and have no particular desire to either. I know of the word's disgusting history, with slaves and lynchings and Jim Crow laws, and all of the other historical injustices visited upon black people. so even if I wanted to use it, I wouldn't. So for this question I'm only going for my best estimate of what other white people might think.
Remember when you were a child Charley? Remember how your mother would always put the cookie jar up on the top shelf and tell you not to touch it otherwise you'd get a hiding? The fact that you're not allowed something makes it all the more tempting. If your mother had left the cookie jar out in plain sight you probably wouldn't have wanted the cookies - or would have had one and then wandered off. But because there's an added sense of danger, you'll climb up those drawers, grab the cookie jar, and overindulge yourself.
That's what the n word must be like for the majority of unenlightened white people. Because it's a taboo word people get a frisson of danger and excitement from saying it. Obviously I don't want to suggest that you or any other black person restrain your self-expression in any way, but if all black people from tomorrow decided they weren't going to react when the n word was used ; if they just rolled their eyes and let it slide, the word would be robbed of its danger and power, and eventually people would stop using it all together.
Such a Utopian world I envisage!
Send an email to or comment below!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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Haiku Tuesdays With Brett! |
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Ask A ____ : Advice From Gabriella Black, Someone Who Knows |
Ever needed the answer to a question, but couldn't find the right person to ask? Well now you'll finally have top notch advice from the experts. Emo kids, what color of eye shadow really brings out angst? Militant blacks, where's the best place to find marker that won't smudge during rainy protests? Astrology buffs, what sign are you? Find all of that out and more in our bi-weekly advice column!
First up: Gabriella BlackMy parental units call me Mary Grimaldi, but I call myself Gabriella Black. A thorn by any other name is still a thorn, you know? I'm stuck at no-name state university filled with fucktards who are either trust fund babies desperate to pretend they are not from some of the wealthiest 'burbs in the country or incredibly unremarkable losers incapable of doing anything besides watch anime or drink. Music is my world, the more cynical, the better. Tori Amos is my goddess, and Sufjan Stevens is my sex god. I hate romance and purple, boys who wear girl jeans, and anyone who wears plaid. Manipulative and fake people deserve to be shot, as does anyone who is under the illusion that they are a unique snowflake instead of the dilapidated piece of worthless matter that they really are. Anyone who calls themselves happy is overmedicated, in denial, or two seconds away from committing suicide at the next family get-together. No one should need sex, because life fucks you over every single day. I am an absolutely fabulous advice giver – I have a negative tolerance for stupidity, weakness, and melodrama.
Q. My boyfriend is wonderful and smart and strong. We've been together for four years and everything is going great. He just recently asked me to marry him and I can't think of any reason to say no! What do you think?
Genuinely Happy and in Love,
Beck Grossman
A. Dear Beck,
The fact that you felt the need to write to an advice columnist about this relationship that you think is oh-so-perfect indicates that you are incredibly insecure and probably don't have the emotional maturity to be married. God, you might as well bust out your magic 8-ball or play "He loves me, he loves me not". Big girls know that you don't go to strangers for validation. If you don't completely suck at being a person, you probably have friends that can shed some legitimate perspective on this situation. If you're really lucky, they may even be honest with you and won't allow you to enter into a fucked-up, unholy union. One can only hope.
Q. I think my cat is depressed. It's lifeless anymore, it rarely eats, and it spends most of the day pushing around in the litter box. Recently my husband and I have been having some issues. I found out he runs a drug operation our of his workshed (he never lets me in there) and he found out about the affair I've been having with his jefe. I know it's best that we split up, but ever since we've been apart the cat has been so morose. Should we give it one more try for Snuggles McFurrybottom?
Feelings for a Feline,
Cassandra Waits
A. This inquiry is several levels of imbecilic. What kind of sane, well-adjusted person would ever, ever, in a million years dream of getting back together with someone who clearly had, like, negative respect for you. I'm sorry, the man who promised to love and cherish you forever (or whatever cheeseball vows he chose to take) does not decide to run a secret drug operation - he didn't even trust you enough to be his ride-or-die chick, woman. And to point out the obvious - sup, potential legal trouble? If you were driven to cheat on him, one of the most egregious relationship sins one can commit, then you clearly had no respect for this almost hilariously dysfunctional relationship. Force your cat to build a bridge and get over it. Kitty is probably going through withdrawals from whatever substances your husband is concocting.
Want to write the columnists about their advice or with new questions?
Send an email to or comment below.